Friday, August 12, 2011

CBCP Monitor Ugnayan Supplement Vol. 15 No. 15 The LATEST issue of CFC’s supplement in the CBCP Monitor is out!

Please click on the link to view or download the file: CBCP Monitor Ugnayan Supplement Vol 15 No 15:


We would like to invite our CFC family worldwide to submit articles and photos of your events so that we can include them here in the website, and if possible, in the next issues of our supplement in the CBCP Monitor. For more details, kindly contact us through THANKS and GOD BLESS US ALL!

The Best Defense is Offense

This act aims to promote the safety, protection and welfare of the unborn child from the moment of conception and during all stages of development while inside the mother’s womb;
It acknowledges the unborn child as a human being with human personality and extends the mantle of legal protection to the child from the moment of conception;
It ensures that the delivery of health services to the mother during pregnancy shall be done without prejudice to the unborn child;
It promotes and advances the maturity of the unborn child as a welcome addition and asset of the family; and
It aims to enhance the health of the mother by avoiding means that may adversely affect the viability of the unborn child in all stages of its maturity.
Support this Act through Signing our Online Petition.
This Bill is fully supported by the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Family and Life.


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