Monday, November 11, 2013



Expanded Outline
A. Introduction.

1. Prayer and Scripture are crucial tools to growth in the Christian life.
2. We need to know God and His ways more. The most basic ways we can do this
are by communicating directly with Him (prayer) and by studying His word(Scripture).

3. In CFC, we commit to a daily personal prayer time and to a daily reading of the Bible.
B. Some reasons why we do not have a personal prayer time.
1. I already go to Church services (Mass) and that's enough.
a) What we are speaking about is personal prayer time.
* Alone by ourselves with God.
* This is necessary for us to develop a deep intimate personal relationship with Jesus.

b) Mass, rosary, novena, etc., are all means of prayer. However, we must not neglect personal prayer.

2. Lack of understanding about prayer. 
a) Most of us may have been taught to pray early in our childhood. But what we
may not have learned is why we should pray.
* Most see prayer as just asking God for things.
b) Prayer for us should be a means of communicating with God and
establishing a personal relationship with Him.
* As we communicate, we get to know God more, and thus have the basis for loving Him more.
3. I don't have the time.
a) We have a lot of time for the many different things we do in life.
* Our problem is not lack of time, but our attitude.

* If we considered prayer important enough, we would find the time.
b) Let us ask ourselves two questions:
* If I were not too busy working, would I be busy praying?
* If God gave me some extra hours today, will I automatically allocate it to personal prayer?
4. I am unworthy.
a) Some may be so filled with guilt due to our sins and weaknesses that we
create a feeling of unworthiness to come before the Lord.
* Yes, we are unworthy to enter into the presence of a holy God.
* But we have forgiveness for our sins through the blood of Jesus. We are
restored to our relationship as children of God.
b) The devil would always try to convince us of our unworthiness.
* We should not allow Satan's lies to keep us from the intimacy God desires
to have with us.
c) Remember that as long as there is a desire to pray, it is a clear sign of the
Lord's prodding us to spend time with Him.
* The Lord will not plant this desire only to frustrate us. He would never lead
us to seek something which is impossible.
* Thus even when we feel unworthy, we should just pray.
5. It is too difficult.
a) The difficulty is often of our own making.
* We expect too much from ourselves, imposing a heavy burden.
* We raise up as a standard the lofty prayer times of others.
b) Prayer is really very simple: it is coming into the presence of a loving God and
allowing Him to love us and touch our lives.
c) Techniques can help, models can guide, but it boils down to our very own
personal relationship, done in our own personal way.

C. What should we do?
1. Make a commitment to pray at a scheduled time.
a) Decide when is prime time for the Lord.
* When would I be most alert or attuned to fellowship with God?
* This is not simply left-over time.
b) If possible, make this your regular prayer time each day of the week.
* Getting into this "routine" of prayer makes it easier to pray faithfully every
* Be flexible in making adjustments if necessary due to your varied weekly schedule.

c) Defend this time of prayer.

2. If you are just starting to pray, start with a short time of prayer.
a) Our covenant card mentions at least 15 minutes.
* But if you would still find this long, then start with what you would be comfortable with and can sustain.
* Again, we are not legalistically concerned about the amount of time, but are
after your developing a personal relationship with God. The length of time will grow as this happens.

b) Spend more time as you grow in prayer.
* You will find that 15 minutes will be very short.
3. Look for the right place where you will not be distracted.
a) Jesus' example. Lk 5:16; Lk 6:12; Mt 14:23-24a; Mk 1:35.
b) Jesus' instruction. Mt 6:6a.
c) We owe God our undivided attention.
4. Resolve to be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
a) Techniques, like ACTS, are all right, as long as we are not locked in to them.
b) Be open to variety in the Holy Spirit.
* Quiet vs expressive.
* Different physical postures.
* Speaking and listening.
* Praying in tongues.

c) The goal is not "to pray well", but to enter into communion with God.
5. Deal with obstacles to prayer.
a) Anxieties and concerns that distract us.
* Know that you are coming into the presence of your loving Father, Who is
able to provide richly for all your needs.
* Intercede for your concerns and leave these in God's hands.
b) Too much concern about the quality of our prayer.
* God is not concerned about our technique or the loftiness of our prayers,
But simply with our desire to be in communion with Him.
* Prayer is the simple reality of a child coming into the presence of his/her
* The Holy Spirit will help us. Rom 8:26.
c) Dryness.
* Spiritual dryness in prayer and even in our Christian life may happen. It is
normal and nothing to be alarmed about.
* Sometimes dryness comes from God Himself. He seeks to find out if our
faithfulness comes from the consolation and joy we experience in prayer, or
simply from the reality of being in His presence.
* Thus we should just persevere in prayer through times of dryness. Prayer is
our commitment, not just an emotional experience.
d) Difficulty in listening or hearing the Lord.
* Prayer is not just talking to God, but listening to Him. We listen in the
silence of hearts.
* Prayer is not just asking God for things, but allowing Him to form our
hearts and our minds.
* But perhaps our human nature makes it easier to talk and harder to listen.
We need to learn how to do both.

D. Scripture and inspirational reading.
1. Aside from daily personal prayer, we also need to read and meditate on the Word
of God.
a) The Bible is our book of wisdom for living a Spirit-filled Christian life.
b) The Bible has power to convict us and change our lives. Heb 4:12-13.
c) The Bible can inspire and strengthen us as we face the difficulties of life.
* Frequently, our Bible reading will lead us to passages that speak directly
and personally to our situation.
2. It is recommended that we incorporate our Bible reading into our daily prayer
a) The two are interactive.
b) A useful tool is to use a Scripture-based daily prayer guide, like “In His
3. We should spend some other time during the week to study the Bible.
4. We should read Christian books.
a) We recommend reading one Christian book every month.

E. Conclusion.
1. A lack of a regular prayer time reflects a lack of faithfulness to the Lord.
2. When we neglect prayer, we will reap the consequences in the form of a
powerless Christian life, devoid of peace and direction.
3. If we pray and read the Bible, we tap on to God's power.

Participant's Handout
1. Prayer and Scripture are crucial tools to growth in the Christian life.
2. Reasons for not having a personal prayer time.
a) I already go to Church services and that's enough.
b) Lack of understanding about prayer.
c) I don't have the time.
d) I am unworthy.
e) It is too difficult.
3. What we should do:
a) Make a commitment to pray at a scheduled time.
b) Start with a short time of prayer.
c) Look for the right place.
d) Be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
e) Deal with obstacles to prayer.
* Anxieties and concerns.
* Concern about the quality of prayer.
* Dryness.
* Difficulty in listening.
4. Aside from daily personal prayer, we also need to read and meditate on the Bible.
a) We can incorporate Bible reading into our daily prayer time.
b) We need to set aside some other time during the week to study the Bible.
5. We should also read Christian books.
a) Recommendation: one book every month
Discussion Starter
1. Have I been faithful to my commitment (CFC covenant) to pray and read the Bible
2. Express your love for the Lord and your desire to know Him more through prayer

and His Word.

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